Thursday, December 3, 2009

A New Trick

Today is Mati's 3 month birthday. And to celebrate, she learned a new trick! She has now mastered the art of rolling onto her side. This could not have come at a better time because she was really starting to hate sleeping on her back. When we returned from Chicago after Thanksgiving she would have nothing to do with her crib. We have been putting her to bed strapped into her car seat ever since. She began sleeping through the night this way, so I went with it! Have I mentioned how amazing a full nights sleep is? Today, I tried putting her in her crib for a nap, and she rolled right onto her side and went to sleep.

another milestone passed = a very happy baby

I put Mati in her play gym while I got ready this morning, and when I came out she was on her side! That was the first time. When I came up to congratulate her, she plopped onto her back and gave me a big grin as if to say "Look what I did Mommy! Aren't you proud of me?" A resounding YES was my response. I love my little girl so much and it fills me with joy to see her growing stronger everyday. She smiles all the time now, but it never ceases to melt my heart. Everybody always says children are a joy, but I had no idea how much joy they bring until I had my own.

1 comment:

  1. I was unprepared for the joy that she brings. To see her sweet face... to hold her... to smell her- there's nothing quite like it. She has completely taken hold of my heart!
    Thanks to your mom & dad Mati, and the Father of lights, for sharing with us the precious gift of you!
